Season 11

Peace Be With You
The Jesus PodcastJanuary 20, 2025x
00:17:4916.35 MB

Peace Be With You

Peace isn't the absence of struggle; it's the presence of Jesus in the midst of it all. Jesus finally reveals Himself to the disciples. Their hearts are filled with hope, and Jesus gives them the most precious gift of all - The Holy Spirit. Go to and receive daily devotionals about...

The Road & The Stranger
The Jesus PodcastJanuary 19, 2025x
00:18:4017.13 MB

The Road & The Stranger

Jesus told them this would happen. In fact, the entire Bible has been whispering the death and resurrection of the Messiah since the beginning. Two followers of Jesus travel on a road, feeling the sorrow of their master’s death. For a brief time on the road, they forget their grief when they ...

Jesus' Brother
The Jesus PodcastJanuary 16, 2025x
00:17:4816.34 MB

Jesus' Brother

Imagine that Jesus was your brother. Perfect in every way. Never making mistakes. Imagine living in that shadow…  Jesus pays a special visit to one of his greatest critics… James… During this intimate moment, James realizes who his brother actually is, and wrestles with al...

Peter's Denial
The Jesus PodcastJanuary 15, 2025x
00:15:1914.06 MB

Peter's Denial

Shame is an anchor. It holds us down, hindering our reach upward. Do you need to be set free? Peter relives his greatest failure. It plays over and over in his mind. He finds himself stuck in a cycle of shame, unable to get out. Go to and receive daily devotionals about Jesus. Toda...

The Conspiracy
The Jesus PodcastJanuary 14, 2025x
00:15:1514 MB

The Conspiracy

What’s more important to you? Status and control, or transformation and a relationship with God? The guards return to the chief priests and tell them what they saw. To cover it up, the chief priests pay off the guards and plan a conspiracy to end the movement of believers before it has a chan...

The Empty Tomb
The Jesus PodcastJanuary 13, 2025x
00:22:4520.86 MB

The Empty Tomb

If God is dead, then so is our hope. But God isn’t dead… Mary and the others run to tell the disciples what they’ve seen. Peter and John race to the tomb to see if for themselves. Jesus is gone… But the concept of resurrection is hard for them to grasp.  Go to JesusPo...

He is Risen
The Jesus PodcastJanuary 12, 2025x
00:15:2414.14 MB

He is Risen

We’ve all experienced despair at some point in our lives. But there is no darkness so dense that the light of Jesus can’t pierce through.  Jesus appears to Mary and the other women. They worship him, unable to believe what they are seeing. With a spark in their hearts, they run to ...

Easter Sunday
The Jesus PodcastJanuary 09, 2025x
00:20:2718.77 MB

Easter Sunday

Whatever darkness you’re lost in. Whatever sin that’s held you captive. There’s hope! Jesus was slain, and the land has been shrouded in darkness for three days. Hope was buried along with the body of Jesus. But, as the light crested over the hills on the third day, hope was reviv...

The Faithless Followers
The Jesus PodcastJanuary 08, 2025x
00:15:3514.31 MB

The Faithless Followers

Have you ever questioned your role in the community of God? Have you ever felt like an outsider? You aren’t alone.  Jesus is dead, and his disciples are hidden and afraid of meeting the same fate. Two unexpected figures devote themselves to his burial. All seems hopeless for the follower...

Good Friday (Special)
The Jesus PodcastJanuary 07, 2025x
00:37:4034.53 MB

Good Friday (Special)

What are you worth to God? What was the price to buy back your soul from darkness? The cost for your heart was weighty – the blood of God himself.  God himself is put on trial before a court of liars. He remains silent and embraces torture, mockery, and death on our behalf. Good Friday i...

Passover & Arrest
The Jesus PodcastJanuary 06, 2025x
00:33:4130.88 MB

Passover & Arrest

Do you worship a weak God? Is your God a victim? A prisoner? How you view God will say a lot about how you view yourself. Jesus enjoys a few tender moments with his disciples during Passover. In the Garden of Gethsemane, the Lamb of God gives himself up to wolves, but not without displaying his pow...

Judas' Betrayal
The Jesus PodcastJanuary 05, 2025x
00:21:2419.63 MB

Judas' Betrayal

How much do you value Jesus? What is he worth to you? To some, he’s worth laying everything on the line. To others, he’s worth a few pieces of silver.  Jesus enjoys the company of his friends. Warmth fills their hearts, and everything seems perfect. However, hidden under the cloak ...

Jesus Vs. Pride
The Jesus PodcastJanuary 02, 2025x
00:24:5522.85 MB

Jesus Vs. Pride

What does it mean to be Holy? Is it being perfect or humbling reaching for God? Jesus confronts the corruption and hypocricy of the religious leaders. Without fear, he delivers a harsh but truthful message. He is making enemies with powerful people, but that’s all a part of the plan. Today's ...

Flipping Tables
The Jesus PodcastJanuary 01, 2025x
00:24:3322.51 MB

Flipping Tables

What makes God angry? What would it take for the Prince of Peace, Jesus, to act out in rage? Jesus bursts into the temple with passion and boldness, flipping tables and driving out the greedy moneychangers. People stand in awe as Jesus delivers a harsh rebuke to the religious elite. Today's Bible v...

Palm Sunday
The Jesus PodcastDecember 31, 2024x
00:19:4718.15 MB

Palm Sunday

True greatness is not having lofty titles or golden crowns but knowing when to lay it all down for the sake of others. Passion Week begins with Jesus’ triumphal entry. The multitude welcomes Jesus like a king as he rides in humbly on a donkey. The crowd worships Him for now, but Jesus knows a...