Speaker 1: Therefore, if any one is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old things have passed away. Behold, all things have become new Tewod Corinthians five seventeen. Dear Lord, you are the author of life. Because of your resurrection, we don't need to be tethered to the old lives of sin, shame, and vices. You have raised us up with you, given us your spirit, and made us alive. Lord, When the old us creeps back into our lives seeking to drag us down, would you remind us of our victory in Christ and the power of your spirit. We are new creations in Christ. Give us the wisdom and endurance to live into that identity in Jesus name. Amen, Thank you for praying with me today. You're listening to the Jesus podcast Sagas from the Gospel told like never before. Remain here to immerse yourself in the drama and wonder of Christ's story. Follow this podcast on whatever platform you're listening to. Doing so will keep you updated, but also help us get discovered by more people. We want the story of Jesus to be known throughout the world. Thanks for making that possible. In the latest hours after the last light of dusk fell over the horizon. The disciples huddled within a locked house, ensnared by shadows. The brutal crucifixion of Jesus loomed over them like a storm cloud, the coward trapped in a tumult of fear and despair. Their hopes were dashed when Jesus died, even with rumors of return, Their resolve was shaken. Mary and the other women had declared it true, yet there was still no proof. They were tightly wound, suspended in a space between faith and fear. Peter hadn't told the rest of the Apostles what he had seen. His shame played tricks on his mind, causing him to doubt whether he had even seen Jesus at all. Restless and burdened, Matthew attempted to etch down his memories of Jesus, but grief clouded his mind, making each word a struggle, a battle against the overwhelming tide of sorrow. The parchment bore the brunt of his frustration. The disciples, drawn together by a shared unspoken grief, congregated silently around the fireplace. Their house in Galilee, typically a haven, now felt like a temple for their shattered dreams. Each attempt at conversation ended an a poignant reminder of their loss. Amidst their silent vigil, the topic of Jesus' possible resurrection arose, stirring a tumult of emotions. Skepticism battled, hope, Faith wrestled with reason. As they wrestled with these things, urgent footsteps and a forceful knock suddenly pierced the somber air.
Speaker 2: What does it mean to have peace? Is peace the absence of conflict? Is it having comfortable, easy and cushy lives? Is it that there's never any struggle, or all of our dreams magically come true? Of course not. That type of peace is a false promise, and don't listen to any preacher that promises it. No, the peace Jesus offers is more potent and meaningful than a comfy life. It's a life of purpose. Welcome back to the Jesus Podcast. The month of April has been dedicated to exploring the dramatic story of the resurrection. So far, there have been only glimpses of the risen Jesus. He has yet to fully reveal himself to his disciples, but now as his disciples are huddled together in fear. He finally arrives. Let's dive in.
Speaker 1: The knock was quick and frantic. Simon, the Zealot, dagger in hand, cautiously approached the door. He sighed and opened it. Relief flooded the room as Andrew entered, disheveled and burdened.
Speaker 3: I just got back from the market place and the synagogue courtyard. Nobody knows what has happened to his body.
Speaker 1: Andrew murmured. He sat down and buried his face in his hands.
Speaker 3: There are rumors floating around that we took his body. It's only a matter of time before the Romans investigate us.
Speaker 1: We have to be ready to leave, Simon said, with his grip still tight on the hilt of his blade. He had given up the way of the dagger when he chose to follow Jesus, but now, with so much uncertainty, he found comfort in having it around. All of the disciples felt their past coiling around them like a serpent. If Jesus was dead, so was the hope tethering them to righteousness. Simon pursed his lips and furrowed his brow.
Speaker 4: Brothers, we have to consider all our options. Things could turn ugly quickly. We don't want to be caught off. God. We must discuss leaving this place, perhaps Samaria, somewhere the Romans would never expect us to be. There is nowhere we can go where Rome cannot.
Speaker 1: Reach, Matthew said anxiously.
Speaker 4: The Romans can search us all they want.
Speaker 2: We don't have his body, so what could they do without proof?
Speaker 1: Simon clenched his jaw and slammed his palms against the table.
Speaker 4: You were a tax collector and friend to the Romans, so naturally you would say that. But I have seen the cruelty of those Roman animals. They don't need proof of anything. Just look what they did to our master.
Speaker 1: Simon calmed down, Andrew said patiently.
Speaker 3: Matthew has done nothing wrong.
Speaker 4: He's done nothing but scribble on his parchment since Jesus died. All of us have been sitting on our hands all the while. The Pharisees are spreading lies that could get us killed.
Speaker 1: Enough, Simon, Peter rebuked, finally standing up from his seat to defend Matthew.
Speaker 4: We are in this together.
Speaker 1: Simon stepped closer and scoffed at Peter.
Speaker 4: No, we aren't. He stabbed you have barely said a word to us. Peter, you've been stewing in silence ever since you had turned from his grave site. What aren't you telling us some rock?
Speaker 1: You are?
Speaker 4: You're going to drag us all down with you.
Speaker 1: Peter quickly stepped toward Simon, and the two stood face to face in anger. Andrew stood up to defend his brother, and Matthew argued in defense of his writing. The entire room soon erupted in arguments. Accusations, and frustrated grunts bounced off the walls, drowning out the sound of a new figure who appeared in the corner of the room. Then, breaking through the thick veil of frustration in fear, a familiar voice whispered, peace be with you. Startled the disciples looked to the corner of the room. There, in humble splendor was Jesus. He wore the same clothes as the night of his arrest. The same smile curled up the side of his cheeks, and his hazel eyes gazed at them with familiar warmth and wisdom. Yet there was something profoundly different about him. He was draped in splendor. Holiness emanated from him, like the rising of the ocean's tide. Disbelief, awe, and fear collided as the disciples struggled to comprehend this miraculous apperration. John, overcome by emotion, approached Jesus, First Master, Is that.
Speaker 3: Can it really be?
Speaker 1: He fell at Jesus feet and pressed his face against his robe. Simon looked at Jesus and then at the dagger strapped to his side. He felt ashamed and delighted all at once, and tossed it aside, before falling at Jesus feet beside John. The rest of the apostles, all except for Thomas, who was absent, and Peter, who stood motionless near the window, bowed before him. Peter was still anchored to his shame, unable to move toward him. The room irrupted in a cacophony of joy, laughter, and tears as the disciples celebrated the impossible, Their king, their Messiah, was alive. Jesus knelt down to all of them and embraced them like a father would his children. His smile was a balm to their wounded souls. All the anxious anger and sorrow melted under the warmth of his presence. He held their shoulders and gripped them tightly. The wounds on his hands were still there, evidence of his battle with death and darkness, and proof of his victory. Peace be with you, he said again, his voice radiating divine love. As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you. He had all of the disciples stand. Then, in an act that echoed the days of creation with Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden, Jesus exhaled a large breath and said, receive the Holy Spirit. At that moment, the disciples were like Adam when God first formed him from the dust of the earth. He breathed life into them, filling them with new purpose for the days ahead. The disciples hearts and minds were open to the divine truth, and their understanding of the scriptures was enlightened. They realized that Jesus was the cornerstone of God's grand narrative, present from the beginning, working tirelessly for humanity's redemption. If you forgive this, they have forgiven them. If you withhold forgiveness for any it is withheld. Jesus said this, and his eyes darted over to Peter. Then, without warning or pretense, he vanished, as Jesus disappeared. Peter's anguish surged. He had missed another chance for redemption, his opportunity to repent. The disciples who are left in a whirlwind of emotion, awed by the miracle they had witnessed, yet brimming with questions unanswered.
Speaker 2: In John fourteen twenty seven, Jesus said this peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you. I do not give you peace as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not be afraid. The peace Jesus offers is differ from the peace the world offers. The peace of Jesus is long lasting and independent of troubles and struggles. The peace Jesus gives us is a calm in the midst of the storm, and an anchor that holds us down when the winds in waves rage. Peace is not the absence of the storm. Peace is the presence of Jesus in the storm. Peace is not the absence of conflict. It's the presence of Jesus in the conflict. Do you see what this is? Do you see what Jesus is offering us. He is not offering us a cushy life apart from the world he's offering us a way to be effective in the world. The disciples, lost and confused from the previous week's events, were stuck, but piercing through the darkness. The resurrected Jesus spoke to them, and his first words to them peace be with you. I love that. This was the first thing that Jesus told them. People without peace will desperately hold onto anything for stability. Substance, vice, relationships, work. All of these things are coping mechanisms when we feel out of control or anxious. But none of those things, whether it be a substance, whether it be a habit, whether it be a vice or a relationship, none of those things are able to steady our unruly souls. Before Jesus visits his disciples, it's apparent that none of them have any peace. They're almost vibrating in place. They're not able to go anywhere, but they're somehow not able to rest either. Dear, phrenetic, anxious, and reeling in fear. Matthew is anxiously scribbling on some parchment. Peter is brooding in a corner in regret, Andrew is keeping himself busy, and Simon is planning for the worst while growing irritated and anxious. We gave Simon more dialogue in this episode to reveal how the Disciples may have felt during this time. Simon was a zealot, a member of the notorious group of assassins known as the Daggermen. Before following Jesus. Simon was taught to be vigilant, aloof, and ready to run at a moment's notice. The presence of his dagger in this episode is an icon. It symbolizes a profound truth for you and I. When we are consumed by fear, our old habits of self preservation can begin to resurface. Simon had put down the dagger when he started to follow Jesus, but now that Jesus is gone and he's afraid, he picks up the dagger again. We all have coping mechanisms, bad habits, or past sins that bring us comfort in times of stress and anxiety. Perhaps you keep yourself busy like Matthew and Andrew. Perhaps you shut everyone out like Peter, or like Simon, you start to pick up the lifestyle you had sworn you would never go back to. Whether it's a habit, sin, or substance, we all have things that we want to run to when we feel anxious and afraid. Today, I want to encourage you to run to Jesus. Jesus calls us out of those old coping mechanisms. He doesn't preach peace to us, he declares it over us as a reality. Peace be with you. He doesn't want us to have a fleeting experience of bliss. He wants peace to be with us, like a companion walking with us through trial, fire and despair. He wants peace to be our enduring identity. Two Corinthians five seventeen says this. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away. Behold, the new has come. Whoever puts their faith in Jesus is a new creation. The old habits, sins, substances, and coping mechanisms that once defined us have passed away. You're a new person in Christ, Jesus. That is what happened to the disciples when they saw Jesus. They became new. Jesus wrapped them in his arms. But then he did something that seems peculiar to a passive reader. Jesus' actions at this point go past the unique and into the downright gross. It says that Jesus gathered them to himself and then breathed on them. That's right, he breathed on them. This might seem odd at first glance, but this moment is packed with profound biblical significance. Let's go all the way back to Genesis. Do you remember what happened in Genesis when God formed Adam out of the dust. Genesis, too tells us that when God created Adam, he formed him out of the dirt and the dust. But then he breathed life into him. God gave Adam his spirit, the breath of life. This was the first creation. When Jesus breathed on the disciples and said, receive the Holy Spirit, he was mirroring the creation story. The old has passed, the way of Adam, sin, darkness is gone. The new has come, the way of Jesus. Salvation and light is here. These disciples are no longer walking in the patterns of Adam. They are now new creations in Christ Jesus. The old man Adam brought us destruction, darkness, and shame, but the New Man, Jesus brings us life, light and purpose. Jesus breathed on these disciples and said received the Holy Spirit, but they aren't quite sure what that means yet, huh, But they soon will. The Holy Spirit is going to come with fire and passion, and it's going to embolden these disciples who are once cowering in fear to now be courageous in bold. But there's still one apostle who has yet to see Jesus, one who happened to be absent during this time, and that's Thomas. Church history has given Thomas a notorious nickname, Doubting Thomas, but I think that's an unfair title. In our next episode, Thomas is going to wrestle with doubt and the need for evidence, but all that doubt melts away when he beholds the risen King. Thank you for joining me for today's episode of the Jesus Podcast. If this podcast has offered value to your life, I would love it if you loved a review. 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