Speaker 1: He said to them, don't be amazed. You seek Jesus the Nazarene, who has been crucified. He has risen. He's not here. Behold the place where they laid him, Mark sixteen six. Dear Lord Jesus, the message of the resurrection revolutionizes our faith. The fact that you rose from the grave elevates us from a mere philosophy to a living hope. Because you have risen, we too can rise above our fears, our challenges, and even the stinging reality of death itself. Empower us to carry this victorious spirit into every aspect of our lives. When we face difficulties that seem insurmountable, remind us that the same power that raised Jesus from the dead is at work in us. When we encounter despair, let this eternal truth light our way. Jesus is risen, and so hope rises in us. Thank you for your resurrection, a truth so magnificent it changes the landscape of our faith. May we live as Easter people in perpetual celebration of your victory over death and the glorious life it grants us. In your holy name, we pray, Amen. Thank you for praying with me to day. You're listening to the Jesus Podcast, where we bring the Gospel to life like you've never heard it before. Stay with us to delve into the captivating journey of Christ's story. If this podcast has brought value to your faith, we'd love it if you left a review and shared it with a friend. We want the story of Jesus to be known throughout the world, because when jesus story is told, lives are transformed. The dawn's rays spread elegantly across the garden. Birds sang in harmony with the lights brilliance, and all seemed at peace. The hearts of jesus followers, however, were far from peace. Darkness loomed over them, sucking the joy out of the day, making it hard to even breathe. With somber steps, four of Jesus' closest followers walked the path to the garden's entrance. The brilliant hues of green and newly blooming flowers were invisible to them. The earth was gray and undefined.
Speaker 2: To them.
Speaker 1: Everything was made blurry with grief. Mary, the mother of James, Solome and Joanna, trudged wearily towards the two they had brought an array of spices and flowers to anoint Jesus's body. Many of the disciples had hidden and run when Jesus was crucified, but not them. They watched every grueling moment of his death. The memory of their lord hanging and bloodied on a cross was etched into their memories. Every time they closed their eyes, scenes of his flogging flooded back into their minds. His death grieved them beyond belief. They had put all their hope in him, and now their hope was buried in a grave alongside him.
Speaker 3: Have you ever felt stuck in darkness? Have you ever felt hopeless, like the world has lost all its color and joy. We've all experienced despair at some point in our lives, But there is no dark darkness so dense that the light of Jesus can't pierce through. This is the Jesus Podcast, and we're spending a month of April immersing ourselves in the events following Easter. We want to hear how the resurrection transformed Jesus's followers from faithless and fearful to faithful and fearless. As we follow along this epic tale, perhaps we will also discover a bit of courage and boldness to live a life in light of the resurrection. This podcast is blessed you consider writing us a review to share your experience. We would love to hear from you. Today we walk down the dusty trail leading to the empty tomb of Jesus, where Mary Magdalen, Mary the mother of James, Salome and Joanna come to pay their respects to Jesus. These four followers of Jesus are overcome with grief. Understandably, although the sun is shining brightly and the garden is teeming with life, everything seems gray and lifeless to them. They, like many who have yet to experience life in Jesus, are caught in a cycle of despair. These faithful companions are about to be visited by an angel and given the most hopeful message humanity has ever heard. He is Risen. Let's dive back into our story. Afterwards, we will unpack some of its meaning together and discover how we can live in light of the resurrection.
Speaker 1: The four companions walked the dirt path leading to the tomb. Mary Magdalene in particular was inconsolable. She was lost without Jesus, caught in a sea of heartbreak and wounds from her past. As the four companions walked toward his tomb, her heart grew heavier and heavier. She stopped in her tracks. As they approached the entrance to the garden. She was frozen in place, hands shaking from fear.
Speaker 2: What's it they come back.
Speaker 1: She whispered, referring to the demons Jesus cast out of her. Seven times she was alone and lost before Christ came and redeemed her. He cast her tormentors out and gave her a life of purpose. But without him she feared the worst.
Speaker 2: Without Jesus, I might slip it backward to the turktis.
Speaker 1: The other two women put their arms around her, silently affirming her fears while doing their best to comfort her. They descended the dirt path, unable to appreciate the chirping birds and the scent of freshly blooming jasmine.
Speaker 2: What if they don't let us attend.
Speaker 1: Him, Mary asked, concerned.
Speaker 2: The girds may not allow us to see him, and what then will her master without a proper burial. They will not turn us away.
Speaker 1: Joanna said, with a heavy laden sigh. She was one of the maidens who had served the House of pilate. With that came a modicum of dignity. No guard would keep her from honoring her master, not after everything that had happened. I will make sure of it, she said firmly. The women rounded the corner near an olive grove. That is when a great wind whistled through the trees, shaking leaves and olives from the branches. What was that, Joanna asked curiously. The wind shifted again, blowing from where the tomb resided. Something's wrong, Joanna said, gesturing to the nearby tomb. The stone covering the entrance was rolled away, and a light radiated from within. The atmosphere changed around them, and it was as if the trees whispered a sweet secret to.
Speaker 2: Them through the wind.
Speaker 1: They quickened toward the tomb, but their strides were interrupted when the earth shook beneath them. Then, like a flash of lightning, before them, an angel appeared in splendor. He had the appearance of a young man dressed in white, but his countenance was like the scattering of lightning. Although he wore a smile, there was something inhuman and terrifying about him. The women recoiled with Mary, the mother of James, putting her arms out to protect the others. Do not be afraid, the angel told him, with his hands gesturing for them to be at ease.
Speaker 2: You have come to see Jesus of Nazareth, the one who is crucified. Have you not?
Speaker 1: The women nodded with uncertainty. The angel's presence was palpable, and it felt like the ground beneath them was pulsating with power. The angel's position shifted instantly, and he sat on top of a stone beside the tomb. He gestured to the entrance and said.
Speaker 2: He is not here. Come and see for yourself. He is not in the place where they laid him.
Speaker 1: The women rushed to look inside. The angel was right. Jesus's body was gone, and all that remained were the grave clothes, folded neatly on the stone bed. Mary Magdalen fell to her knees and Joanna held her face.
Speaker 3: Where is he?
Speaker 1: Joanna asked, with bated breath. The angel's position shifted again with lightning speed. He was right beside them, this time standing over them with great intensity. He stood two feet above them, and his eyes revealed a depth of divine knowledge. He has reason. All the women looked up at the angel. The divine being pointed to the road.
Speaker 2: Hurry back and tell the disciples what I have told you. For his returning soon to Galilee, you will see him just as I have told you.
Speaker 1: As the women turned to leave, the angel stopped them and.
Speaker 2: Said, and be sure to tell Peter.
Speaker 1: With that final word, the angel disappeared again in lightening. The four companions wasted no time. They dropped their baskets and ran up the dirt road of the garden. Fear, exhilaration, and anxiety battled within them, yet a burning passion drove them forward to tell the others. For four days, the followers of Jesus had wallowed in a shadow of regret and confusion. But perhaps there was hope. Maybe this beautiful and strange event is what he had been telling them what happened all along. Uncertainty weighed down every thought. Doubt and wonder swirled through their minds as they raced to where the disciples hid. They ran, and with every step they were more convinced that the angelic figure was correct. Jesus had risen. As they ran, the green and yellow hues of the trees came into view, and the sound of songbirds flooded their hearts. The world was no longer dark.
Speaker 2: And gray to them.
Speaker 1: Life, light, and hope were reborn in their hearts and the world.
Speaker 3: God shows these women to be the first witnesses of the most transformative event in human history. They were the first to hear the angelic declaration he is risen. They were the first to experience the inexplicable joy and wonder that comes from encountering an empty tomb where the body should have lain. This event was no doubt a beautiful example of how God dismantles social prejudice by intrusting these women with the first gospel message, Jesus is Alive. You see, during this time, women were not considered reliable witnesses. They weren't even allowed to testify in court. This is a sad reality of the time. However, it highlights God's plan to dismantle social prejudice. This event is a beautiful example of how God dismantles social and societal barriers. He entrusted these women with the gospel message Jesus is alive. He has broken down these barriers before. Do you remember the first eye witness of the newborn Jesus in Bethlehem were just lowly shepherds, largely considered outcasts in their time, but God gave them the precious testimony of his son's birth. The Lord elevates the voices of the marginalized and affirms the dignity and worth of every human being. It's an important reminder that in the Kingdom of God, there are no second class citizens. We are all equal. At the foot of the cross in the empty Tomb. This episode also showcases Mary Magdalen's fear and grief. She was a woman from whom Jesus had cast out seven demons. We know this from reading the Book of Mark and the Book of Luke. Our story today vividly captures her dread of reverting back to a life controlled by demons, a life devoid of transformative power. Her grief was not just about loss. It was tied to our identity, her newfound purpose in Jesus, and most of all, her freedom from her demons. Many of us have parts of our lives where Jesus has set us free, and the thought of losing that can be deeply unsettling. But the Resurrection reminds us that Jesus's power to redeem us to cleanse us and to make us whole is not just a momentary event. It's an eternal reality. Something incredible happened as the women fled the garden to deliver the angel's message. The world was no longer dark and gray to them. The resurrection changed everything, filling the world around them with color and endless possibilities. It wasn't that their circumstances had immediately changed, it was that their perspective had been radically altered. This serves as a vivid metaphor for what happens to us when we truly grasp the significance of the resurrection. Life's troubles don't magically disappear, but we now see it as temporary set against the backdrop of eternal victory. The world is no longer amazed without an exit. It's a journey towards a glorious destination. As we contemplate these themes, let's remember that the Resurrection of Jesus is not just a historical event or a biblical fairy tale. It's not just something that happened two thousand years ago, and it's not just something we celebrate on Easter. It's the lynchpin of our faith the reason we have hope, the reassurance of who we are, and that we follow a God who conquered death. For every Mary Magdalen burdened by her past, for every voice marginalized in silenced by society, and for anyone looking at a seemingly gray and lifeless world, the resurrection brings a message of hope, dignity, and boundless possibilities. Let the joy and hope of the empty tomb color your world today. He has risen, He has risen. Indeed, in our next episode, we are going to highlight the tragedy of Mary and the restoration that comes afterwards. Thank you for joining me today on the Jesus Podcast. If you want to support this podcast, be sure to follow, subscribe, and share. That way the entire world can hear these transformative gospel messages. For more prayers, devotions, and epic biblical stories, download the Prey dot com app to day God bless