In this episode: The Temple, Crime Family, Nicodemus, Jesus, light darkness, Rabbi, Pharisees, Sanhedrin, Knesset, the meaning of born again, evangelicals, Billy Graham, Entrance to the Kingdom of God, born again in the jewish context, born of water, born of the Spirit, share in the world to come, s...
In this episode: The passover, Cleansing the Temple, money changers, beauty of the Temple, Temple mount sifting project, Courtyard reproduction, Bazar of the sons of Annas, crime family, mafia, Sadducees, criminal racket, righteous anger, turned over tables, leaven symbolism, removing the leaven, de...
In this episode: O Holy Night, Christmas routines, carol service, nativity, transformative theology, Yeshua, Immanuel, Holy Holy Holy, incarnation, moving the Ark, Uzzah died, familiarity breeds contempt, sacred, profane, 3rd Commandment, what does it mean to take the Lord's name in vain. Become a s...