The Podcast bringing you theology, biblical exposition, apologetics, bible study, and cultural commentary from a biblical worldview to help you strengthen and defend the Christian faith. Engaging with Atheism, Creation, evolution, Islam and other world views
In this episode: The Temple, Crime Family, Nicodemus, Jesus, light darkness, Rabbi, Pharisees, Sanhedrin, Knesset, the meaning of born again, evangelicals, Billy Graham, Entrance to the Kingdom of God, born again in the jewish context, born of water, born of the Spirit, share in the world to come, s...
In this episode: The passover, Cleansing the Temple, money changers, beauty of the Temple, Temple mount sifting project, Courtyard reproduction, Bazar of the sons of Annas, crime family, mafia, Sadducees, criminal racket, righteous anger, turned over tables, leaven symbolism, removing the leaven, de...
In this episode: O Holy Night, Christmas routines, carol service, nativity, transformative theology, Yeshua, Immanuel, Holy Holy Holy, incarnation, moving the Ark, Uzzah died, familiarity breeds contempt, sacred, profane, 3rd Commandment, what does it mean to take the Lord's name in vain. Become a s...
In this episode: Jewish wedding, Cana, miracles, mother of Jesus, Thomas Cranmer, book of common prayer, wine, alcohol, symbolism, water pots, purification, new covenant, signs. Become a supporter and get unlimited questions turned into podcasts at: YouTube Cha...
In this episode: The lamb of God, come and see, the master Rabbi, what do you seek?, the first disciples, following the call, Peter, Cephas, Simon, found the Messiah, Philip, Nathanael, the fig tree, torah study, students study under fig trees, Jesus omniscience, Genesis, Jacob, Ladder, King of Isra...
In this episode: John the Baptist, the forerunner, Lamb of God, Genesis 3, precious blood of Jesus, Hymn, Isaiah 53, final sacrifice, Passover Lamb, Charles Spurgeon Crystal Palace, Spotless and blameless lamb, the Lamb in the Book of Revelation, the Lamb as it had been slain. Become a supporter and...
In this episode: Temptation of Jesus, Synoptic gospels, gospel differences, how to read the gospels, biblical authority, bible errors, Adam and Jesus, Israel as Jesus, Israel as the son of God, power of the Spirit, Spirit-filled life, defeating temptation with scripture, Satan's strategies, the Word...
In this episode: Baptism of Jesus, why the dove? Holy Spirit, Messiah, anointing, King David, King Messiah, Psalm 2, Royal anointing, Genesis 1, This is my beloved Son, Isaiah 42 chosen one, Is Jesus the Messiah, Real reason for His baptism was because a King of Israel had to be anointed by a prophe...
In this episode: John the Baptist, Elijah the prophet, prophet apostles today, fruit of repentance, brood of vipers, baptism of the Spirit, baptism of fire, salvation, judgement. Become a supporter and get unlimited questions turned into podcasts at: YouTube Ch...
In this episode: John the Baptist, synoptic study, Tiberius, good news for Romans, Son of God, historical markers, Pontius Pilate, Herod, Archaeological confirmation, messianic prophecy, repentance, forgiveness, kingdom of God, preparing the way for the King. Become a supporter and get unlimited que...
In this episode: Jesus as boy, Jewish upbringing, Isaiah 50, special instruction from the Father, Passover in the temple, debating with rabbis, mothers panic, divine identity, Fathers House. Become a supporter and get unlimited questions turned into podcasts at:
In this episode: The Magi, King Herod, babies of Bethlehem, historical reliability, Out of Egypt, Rachel mother of Israel, Herod's death, Josephus, Eusebius, King of the Jews! Become a supporter and get unlimited questions turned into podcasts at: YouTube Chann...
In this episode: Herod, Western Wall, Herodian bricks, 3 Kings, Wise Men, Persian priesthood, Rab Mag, Daniel, Babylonian, Seutonius, King of the Jews, Star of Bethlehem, shekinah, gold frankincense myrrh, Kingship, Divinity, sacrifice. Become a supporter and get unlimited questions turned into podc...
In this episode: Jesus, Yeshua, Angel, birth of Christ, law of purification, 40 days, dedication of firstborn, redemption price, Temple, Simeon, light to the gentiles, consolation of Israel, Adoniram Judson, Burma, Anna the prophetess, blessing, life dedicated to the Lord Become a supporter and get ...
In this episode: The baby in Bethlehem, the angels song, Glory to God, incarnation, Fanny Crosby, Glory, Revelation, peace, Shalom, Mary & Joseph, Shepherds, Gloria in Excelsis Deo. Become a supporter and get unlimited questions turned into podcasts at: YouTube...
In this episode: Augustus, Emperor, Bethlehem, Shepherds, Tower, Migdal Eder, Tower of flocks, Genesis 35 connection, Mishnah, Temple Lambs, Angel of the Lord, saviour, Good news, saviour, Messiah Lord in Jewish and Roman contexts. Become a supporter and get unlimited questions turned into podcasts ...
In this episode: Augustus, Caesar, Brutus, Octavius, Roman History, Gospel reliability, Battle of Philippi, Cleopatra, Egypt, Mark Antony, Divine Caesar, Mary and Joseph, Bethlehem. Incarnation, what if Jesus had never been born? Become a supporter and get unlimited questions turned into podcasts at...
In this episode: Birth of Jesus, Virgin Birth, Augustus, historicity, Bethlehem, what is Jesus had never been born. Become a supporter and get unlimited questions turned into podcasts at: YouTube Channel: Theology & Apologetics
In this episode: Mary, Elizabeth, Messiah, Zacharias, John the Baptist, silence, angel, House of David, Holy Spirit, horn of salvation, tent of meeting, horns of the alter, blood, covenant. preparing the way! Become a supporter and get unlimited questions turned into podcasts at:
In this episode: Miriam, Mary, Jesus, Holy Spirit , John the Baptist, Elizabeth, Magnificat, Mariology, Hannah, daughters of Zion, saviour. Become a supporter and get unlimited questions turned into podcasts at: YouTube Channel: Theology & Apologetics www.youtu...
In this episode: Angel Gabriel, Virgin Mary, Rosary, Hail Mary, Catholicism, immaculate conception, Pope Pius IX, Yeshua, Jesus, name, throne of David, Spurgeon Sermon. Become a supporter and get unlimited questions turned into podcasts at: YouTube Channel: The...
In this episode: Herod the Great, high priest, murder, engineer, mad man, Augustus, Walking in the commandments, Zechariah, Elizabeth, priestly service, incense, John the Baptist, Elijah, repentance. Become a supporter and get unlimited questions turned into podcasts at:
In this episode: Resurrection day, Easter Sunday, Good Friday, passion week, crucifixion, hopelessness, hope, gospel, Psychology today, worldview, grand narratives, living hope, Billy Graham, Tom Holland, Sinjar, He is Risen. Become a supporter and get unlimited questions turned into podcasts at: ww...
In this episode: Messiah , genealogies, archeological confirmations, King David, Son of David, Jeconiah curse, woman in the genealogies, grace, Mary, virgin birth, heir to the throne, Jesus. Become a supporter and get unlimited questions turned into podcasts at:
In this episode: The Word, the Memra, gospel, physical creation, light, darkness, witness, sent from God, Oxford Martyrs, the true light, Shirley Maclaine, New Age, false lights, God's gift, incarnation, tabernacle, the Son of God, grace and truth. Become a supporter and get unlimited questions turn...
In this episode: Son of God, the Word, Logos, Memra, Greek Philosophy, Philo, Targums, light, Darkness, deity, Jehovah's witness, John1:1, New creation, Genesis. Become a supporter and get unlimited questions turned into podcasts at: YouTube Channel: Theology &...
Upcoming Speaking Tours: March 5th-11th LA, California May 24th-27th Germany Become a supporter and get unlimited questions turned into podcasts at: YouTube Channel: Theology & Apologetics Instagram: www.instagra...
In this episode: selection of history, gospel studies, synoptics, why are the gospels different, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, King, Servant, Son of Man, Son of God, Luke's Preface, orderly account, eyewitness testimony, Theophilus, exact truth. Become a supporter and get unlimited questions turned int...
In this episode: 400 silent years, Seleucids, Antiochus, Corruption, Jason High Priest hood, 2 Maccabees, Hasmoneans, Sadducees, Pharisees, Antipas, Herod, time of Christ. Become a supporter and get unlimited questions turned into podcasts at: YouTube Channel: ...
In this episode: New Years eve, Spurgeon NYE sermon 1866, resolutions, A W Tozer, focus, spiritual growth, cloud of witnesses, lay aside, weights, sins, F B Meyer, darlings sins, Thomas Watson, endurance, eyes on Jesus, Octavius Winslow, joy, exaltation, consider Him, John Wesley, covenant renewal s...
Please note this message begins with a multi-language reading of Luke 2:1-20 (Russian, Ukrainian, Hungarian, Spanish, Italian, Chinese). Looks at the prophecy that speaks of Gentiles worshipping the God of Israel. Become a supporter and get unlimited questions turned into podcasts at:
In this episode: why Hanukkah, Hamas, October 7th, Rabbi Posner, Gaza, Hudna, ceasefire, Palestinian, candle lighting, history, Greek empire, Antiochus Epiphanes, 1 Maccabees, Temple, Abomination of desolation, Hellenism, Judah the Maccabee, dedication of the Temple, Isaiah, Simeon, Messiah, Jesus, ...
In this episode: A new study of the life of Jesus from all four gospels: time of preparation, views of Jesus, Jewish background, fullness of time, silent years, Ezra, synagogue, Alexander the Great, Greek Empire, Greek Language, Library of Alexandria, Letter of Aristeas, Septuagint. Become a support...
In this episode: Thanksgiving, Feast of Tabernacles, Pilgrims, Puritans, Sephardic Jews, Holland, Giving thanks, praising God, Ark at the center, what is your center, feasting, celebration, dancing, call upon his name, make known his deeds, sing to him, seek Him. Become a supporter and get unlimited...
An in-depth discussion about apologetics. By first clearly defining what apologetics is and why we need it. This study then answers the following objections: 1.) You can't argue anyone into the kingdom 2.)The Bible doesn't need to be defended - it is like a lion 3.)Paul dismisses apologetics in his ...
In this episode: Special talk on the recent war with Hamas. Israel, who is Hamas, what happened on October 7th, Gaza, Yom Kippur, massacre, myth of proportionality, chosen people, Genesis 12, covenant people, Land, nation, JC Ryle, Aliyah, persecution, Modern history of Israel, British mandate, UN P...
In this episode: Back to the start, the revelation of Jesus Christ, 7 churches, throne of God, 4 horsemen, 3 woes, unseen war, seals trumpets, bowls, 144,000, Armageddon, King returns, final blessing, unsaved excluded, do not add or take away, Come Lord Jesus! Amen! Become a supporter and get unlimi...
In this episode: The End, eternal home, water of life, throne of God and the Lamb, healing fruits, tree of life, cherubim, the Temple veil, the cross, no curse, face of God, fanny Crosby, no sun, faithful and true words, blessing to the reader, Alpha Omega! Become a supporter and get unlimited quest...
In this episode: New Jerusalem, marriage, bride, Kingdom, eternal state, throne of God, Alpha Omega, living water, Neom, the line, Saudi Arabia, Holy City, Temple, precious stones, cube, the nations. Become a supporter and get unlimited questions turned into podcasts at:
In this episode: The end of all ends, C S Lewis Last Battle, new heaven new earth, New Jerusalem, Utopia, tabernacle of God, all things made new, Alpha Omega, it is done, spring of life, second death. Become a supporter and get unlimited questions turned into podcasts at:
In this episode: The Millennium, Kingdom era, great white throne, judgement, final end of unbelievers, Jesus as judge, court room of God, the books of life, the dead given up, hades emptied, lake of fire, second death, Jonathan Edwards sermon. Become a supporter and get unlimited questions turned in...
In this episode: The Millennium, thrones, martyr, the beast, the mark, forehead, hand, 1000 years, first & second resurrection, judgment, Satan released, Gog, Magog, war, deception, lake of fire, Become a supporter and get unlimited questions turned into podcasts at:
In this episode: The Millennium, 1000 years, Key to the Abyss, the dragon, serpent, devil, Satan, deceive the nations, bound, 3 Millennium views, A-Pre-Post, Davidic Kingdom, Church fathers, Polycarp, Papias, Augustine, allegory, antisemitism, binding of Satan, The King is back. Become a supporter a...
In this episode: spirit of prophecy, Messianic, white horse, Edom, Bozrah, second coming, Word of God, armies of heaven, wine press, King of Kings, Sword of the spirit, the beast, Kings of the earth, lake of fire, false prophet, Long live the king! Become a supporter and get unlimited questions turn...
In this episode: The Second Coming, grounding prophecy, apocalypse manipulation, AOC, UN, Ice age, Al Gore, Angel numbers, messianic prophecy, proof, heaven opened, the white horse, the King returns, Kaiser Wilhelm, Edmond Allenby, Jerusalem, Judgement, war! Become a supporter and get unlimited ques...
In this episode: Babylon destroyed, rejoicing in heaven, hallelujah, first coming impact, second coming impact, multitude in heaven, The Lord reigns, marriage of the Lamb, bride of Christ, Jewish weddings, fine linen, saints, true words of God. Become a supporter and get unlimited questions turned i...
In this episode: Babylon, come out of her, purity, deception, Lot, self-glorification, wealth, Kings of the earth, Kings of the earth, politics, business, WEF, human slavery, heaven rejoices, Babylon destroyed! Become a supporter and get unlimited questions turned into podcasts at:
In this episode: Babylon, historic fall, Seven heads, seven mountains, the woman, whore of Babylon, false religion. Rome, the beast, ten horns, ten kings, the Lamb, King of Kings, Hugh Latimer, God's judgement on Babylon. Become a supporter and get unlimited questions turned into podcasts at:
This message explores the Jewish background to the feast of Pentecost. What was really happening in Acts chapter 2 when the Spirit descended on the Church? A fascinating study that will give so much depth to reading Acts 2. Not to be missed! Become a supporter and get unlimited questions turned into...
In this episode: Babylon the great, The woman, the beast, Rome, reformation, ecumenism, antichrist, Euphrates, Nimrod, harlot, fall of Babylon, abominations, golden cup, name on her forehead, blood of the saints. Become a supporter and get unlimited questions turned into podcasts at: