When we lose someone in our life we feel deep grief. How do we process grief after loss? In this week's episode, I have a conversation with Jason Caine and Stephanie Caine about the stages of grief after loss and how we should process our grief in a healthy manner as followers of Jesus. For more res...
Suffering changes us. Most people who have walked through moments of suffering in life will tell you two truths they reflect on: (1) they would never wish those circumstances of suffering to be repeated in their life, and (2) they would not want to change the person they have become through sufferin...
The intersection between joy and suffering is hard to process. Hearing someone talk about joy in the midst of suffering can feel deeply conflicting. How are we supposed to find joy in the midst of pain? That is a perfectly fair question. Are we able to feel joy in suffering? In this week's episode, ...
We all have insecurities. Sometimes we struggle with negative viewpoints about ourselves. How do we learn to value and become confident in the person that God created us to be? In this week’s episode, I have a conversation with Stephanie Caine and Jason Caine about how to value God's Image in you, p...
Where is God in my suffering? That is a question that many have asked. Sometimes it feels like we are alone in our suffering. We may think that God has, for some reason, detached from us in our suffering. The Bible's storyline around suffering indicates the opposite. God is near to us in our sufferi...
I have always wrestled with the idea that there is a silver lining in all suffering. Maybe you have too. There are moments of suffering that are devastating. There are people across the globe experiencing horrific pain. How could experiences like these have a silver lining? In this weeks episode, I ...
Why does God allow suffering? This question has been asked throughout human history. And many who are in the midst of personal suffering wrestle with this question. In this weeks episode, I have a conversation with Dominic Done, Mark Clark and Jason Caine about the story of creation and fall in Gene...
This week we continue the conversation we began last week about How to Flourish in Your Mental Health. There are two sides to mental health—suffering and flourishing. When we discuss mental health, we are often talking about how people suffer in relationship to their mental health. And that is an im...
There are two sides to mental health—suffering and flourishing. When we discuss mental health, we are often talking about how people suffer in relationship to their mental health. And that is an important conversation. In addition to that conversation, we also need to talk about how to flourish in o...
Welcome to Better Days Podcast, Season 9. This season of the Better Days Podcast we are going to talk about different aspects of mental health + suffering. Througout these episodes we are going to lay a theological framework for each topic, flesh out misunderstandings that we sometimes hold as follo...
In this episode of Pursuing Faith, Dominic explores John 8, and the words Jesus spoke to a woman who was full of shame. He said to her, “neither do I condemn you, go your way and sin no more." When we are in a place of shame, the natural response is to hide our truest self or to push people away. Fo...
How do we help hurting people? And how do we know when to reach out for help with our mental health? In this weeks episode, Wesley Towne has a conversation with Dr. Stephanie Caine, Jason Caine and Dr. Casey Taylor about how to help hurting people, knowing when to reach out for help, and therapy 101...
Relationships are a core component to mental health. Healthy relationships can cause us to flourish. And unhealthy relationships bring us stress and pain. In this weeks episode, Wesley Towne has a conversation with Dr. Stephanie Caine, Jason Caine and Dr. Casey Taylor about God's design for relation...
Grief is a normal human response to loss and painful moments in life. Followers of Jesus should learn to grieve in an emotionally and spiritually healthy manner. What does that look like? In this weeks episode, Wesley Towne has a conversation with Dr. Stephanie Caine, Jason Caine and Dr. Casey Taylo...
Trauma is a popular topic in our culture. What is trauma? And how should followers of Jesus think about trauma? In this weeks episode, Wesley Towne has a conversation with Dr. Stephanie Caine, Jason Caine and Dr. Casey Taylor about trauma in our culture, a theology of trauma, the danger of thinking ...
Suicide is a sensitive topic. The reality of suicide has intersected with many people’s lives. Some have thought about suicide in their deep pain and hopelessness, and others have been affected personally through losing someone they loved to suicide. In this weeks episode, Wesley Towne has a convers...
What is self-care? Should followers of Jesus have a healthy theology and practice of self-care? In this weeks episode, Wesley Towne has a conversation with Dr. Stephanie Caine and Dr. Casey Taylor discussing a healthy theology of self-care, misconceptions around self-care, and offer practices for fo...
Burnout seems to be an epidemic in western culture. Burnout is no longer the experience of a few. Burnout has become the experience of the majority. In this weeks episode, Wesley Towne has a conversation with Dr. Stephanie Caine, Dr. Casey Taylor and Jason Caine about the anatomy of burnout, causes ...
Millions of people are living through the reality of depression in this moment. Depression is a complex and often confusing experience. In this weeks episode, Wesley Towne has a conversation with Dr. Stephanie Caine, Dr. Casey Taylor and Jason Caine about what depression is, why people are afraid to...
Anxiety is the most prevalent mental health condition in the US. What does the Bible say about anxiety? And how can followers of Jesus navigate anxiety? In this weeks episode, Wesley Towne has a conversation with Dr. Stephanie Caine, Dr. Casey Taylor and Jason Caine about what the Bible says about a...
Mental health challenges appear to be affecting every generation in our culture, particularly the youngest generations. Why are mental health statistics rising in our culture? And what are the causes behind these rising mental health challenges? In this weeks episode, Wesley Towne has a conversation...
How does mental health relate to Christianity and following Jesus? Mental health is deeply rooted in the story of the Bible. Mental health and every bit of human flourishing was God's design from the beginning. In this weeks episode, I have a conversation with Dr. Stephanie Caine, Dr. Casey Taylor a...
In this episode, Dominic offers some reflection on Philippians 3:20 - "Our citizenship is in heaven." What does that mean for our lives? How is this lived out? How can we navigate this thorny political climate we find ourselves in? Books Mentioned in the Episode: Destroyer of the gods by Larry Hurta...
In this episode, Dominic has a conversation with Sean McDowell. Sean is Associate Professor of Apologetics at Talbot School of Theology, Biola University. He is also an author of 15 books, including his most recent: A Rebel’s Manifesto: Choosing Truth, Real Justice, and Love amid the Noise of Today'...
In this episode, Dominic has a chat with Daniel Fusco about his new book “You’re Gonna Make It: Unlocking Resilience When Life is a Mess.” Daniel Fusco is an author, a church planter, and the lead pastor of Crossroads Community Church in Vancouver Washington. Books Mentioned in the Episode: You’re G...
In this episode, Dominic gives an update about the non-profit, Pursuing Faith, and an opportunity to minister to Ukrainian refugees. He then unpacks 2 Peter 1 as a roadmap towards a flourishing life. Peter writes: “Make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to k...
In this episode, Dominic gives an update about Pursuing Faith events, and then shares a recent talk he gave in Southern Oregon. Based on Psalm 23, this talk unpacks what David meant when he wrote: “He restores my soul.” How can our soul be restored? What is a soul anyway? And what does the Bible hav...
From Genesis to Revelation, we see that God's purpose for our soul is flourishing. Unlike our culture's shallow definition of flourishing, God's vision is far deeper and authentic. In this episode, Dominic takes us on a theological journey exploring God's word and God's intention for creation and ou...
How is the health of your soul? Is the deepest part of you flourishing—or is it languishing and gasping for air? Life lately has been filled with exhausting challenges: personal loss, political division, economic turmoil, faith deconstruction, and isolation. And our souls feel it. Yet in the face of...
In this special episode, Dominic announces the release of his new book, "Your Longing Has a Name: Come Alive to the Story You Were Made For". How is the health of your soul? Is the deepest part of you flourishing—or is it languishing and gasping for air? Life lately has been filled with exhausting c...
Dominic has a conversation with N.T. Wright about his latest book: Broken Signposts. Professor N.T. Wright is currently Research Professor Emeritus of New Testament and Early Christianity at St Mary’s College in the University of St Andrews and Senior Research Fellow at Wycliffe Hall, Oxford. Resour...
Suicide is a reality for many people. Some have thought about suicide in their deep pain and hopelessness, and others have been affected personally through losing someone they knew to suicide. In this weeks episode, I talk about the reality of suicide in this current moment, and share help and hope ...
Trauma is an emotional response to disturbing or life-threatening events. Trauma leaves an imprint on our lives. In this weeks episode, I have a conversation with Stephanie Caine about the anatomy of trauma and how to process through trauma in a healthy manner.
Grief is an emotion that we feel when we experience a loss. What does healthy grief look like? How can we both grieve and find joy simultaneously? In this weeks episode, I have a conversation about the anatomy of grief and how to process through grief in a healthy manner.
We cannot spend our lives leading others well if we have not made intentional decisions to lead ourselves well. Emotionally healthy leadership influences the health of our internal well-being and the health of our leadership with people. What is emotionally healthy leadership? How do we become emoti...
Anger can be a confusing emotion. It is also an emotion that is often hard to navigate. What is anger? Why do we become angry? How should we think about anger as followers of Jesus? In this weeks episode, I have a conversation about the anatomy of anger and how to process through anger in a healthy ...
Shame is a powerful emotion. It can attack our identity and worth as humans created in the Image of God. What is shame? How does shame influence our lives? In this weeks episode, I have a conversation with Casey Shortt, a clinical psychologist, about the anatomy of shame and how to process through s...
Guilt is an emotion that all humans feel. We are imperfect and experience the internal sense of wrongdoing. How do we process our guilt in a healthy manner? In this weeks episode, I have a conversation with Casey Shortt, a clinical psychologist, about the anatomy of guilt and how to process through ...
Identity is not a simple topic, nor is it is a simple endeavor to understand. Identity is complex and layered. Many of us struggle with our identity, and this struggle can often shape our internal emotional and mental narrative. In this weeks episode, I have a conversation with my friend Dominic Don...
Emotional health is a popular topic in our culture. What is emotional health? How do we cultivate emotional health? In this weeks episode, I have a conversation with my friend Xavier Brasseur about the different facets of emotional health, how to cultivate emotional health, and our stories growing u...
Welcome to Better Days Podcast, The Summer Session! This summer I am looking forward to having conversations with people about emotional and mental health. I will end each episode with a tip to practice. These tips will help you process and navigate your own mental and emotional health. I am so look...
Hope is one of the most important and life giving words for humans walking through the hard moments of life. What is hope? In this episode, I discuss various versions of hope, and spend time explaining a version of hope that allows us to enter into our present experience while also believing that th...
Suffering is a universal human experience. How do we walk through moments of suffering? In this weeks episode, I talk about how lament teaches to engage with reality, have honest faith, be emotionally aware and present, wrestle with our suffering, and follow the example of Jesus who practiced lament...
Suffering is a universal human experience. How do we walk through moments of suffering? In this weeks episode, I talk about several core facets of lament, and how these truths help us to walk through moments of suffering.
Many of us are deeply familiar with the experience of grief. Grief is an emotion that we feel when we experience loss. What does grief look like? And, what does lament teach us about grief? In this weeks podcast, I talk about the anatomy of grief and how lament encourages us to engage with loss and ...
We live in a culture obsessed with happiness, positivity and success. This cultural atmosphere makes us uncomfortable communicating the pain and emotions around suffering. The biblical world had a language and response to pain and suffering called lament. In this weeks podcast, I talk about what lam...
We all desire to feel at peace. We all want to live fully in the reality of the present. We all want a future where feel emotionally, mentally, and relationally unhindered so that we can fully engage in our relationships. Sometimes we have to process our past in order to find healing, freedom and gr...
Anxiety is so prevalent in this moment. Many of us are feeling anxious about the events that we are living through. In this weeks episode, I talk about anxiety and stress, anxiety and self-care, anxiety and relational support, and the importance of professional help.
Anxiety is so prevalent in this moment. Many of us are feeling anxious about the events that we are living through. In this weeks episode, I share my experience with anxiety, along with practices and concepts that have helped me.
Anxiety is so prevalent in this moment. Many of us are feeling anxious about the events that we are living through. In this weeks episode, we have a conversation about the narratives around anxiety in Christianity, what the Bible teaches about anxiety, unhealthy thought patterns, and getting to the ...