In the second episode Kenneth and I address the most important thing in sermon-based small groups. The pastor and leaders. Specifically, we address character. Why? Because scripture does that. Did you know that character is more important than gifting? And surely you have noticed the great sifting the Lord has done in the church in the last five years among some of the biggest name leaders out there?
We believe disciples are made in smaller groups. We believe it should be done effectively and efficiently. What would be the best way to do that? Well there are many models we argue for sermon-based small groups as the one that can help you the most.
Listen. Give us some feedback. What do you think? We are interested. Leave us a review as it will help us get this content out. Share it with anyone that you think it might benefit. Of course we are available to help in the days ahead. We enjoy creating movement for things like this.
If you would like our book on sermon-based small groups, you can get it here.
If you would like a couple of Kenneth’s books, check these out. Here. And here.