Joseph is given another dream - a warning. He must get Mary and Jesus to safety. He realizes that this is what he was called to all along - protect God’s Son, even if it costs him his life. Today's Bible verse is Deuteronomy 31:8, from the King James Version. Download the app for mor...
Herod, boiling in a jealous rage, commits the same act as Pharaoh did long ago. In a chaotic and fiery frenzy, children are taken from their homes and killed, all because of the pride of one man. Today's Bible verse is Romans 8:28, from the King James Version. Download the app for more Chr...
In a humble house, nestled near the valley where King David himself once herded sheep, the King of Kings is adorned with gifts. Each gift is a symbol of his identity and prophecy of his fate. Today's Bible verse is Matthew 6:21, from the King James Version. Download the app for more Christ...
The magi arrive at the palace of King Herod, looking for the King of the Jews. Herod welcomes them with false-humility, smiling through his gritted teeth. Something isn’t right. Today's Bible verse is 1 Corinthians 15:50, from the King James Version. Download the app for more Christi...
Magi, masters of alchemy and astronomy, notice an anomaly in the constellations. Their curiosity leads them to the scriptures, where they become convinced God has done something miraculous. Today's Bible verse is Matthew 2:2, from the King James Version. Download the app for more Christian...
Mary and Joseph take the newborn Jesus to be dedicated to the temple. There, they meet a prophet who gives blessings and warnings of things to come. Today's Bible verse is Isaiah 40:31, from the King James Version. Download the app for more Christian content including, Daily Prayers, Inspi...
The shepherds arrive to see the newborn king swaddled in a manger. The sight, as humble as it is, fills them with awe. They share what they’ve seen, and rumors of the Messiah’s arrival begin to spread throughout the land. Today's Bible verse is 1 Corinthians 1:18, from the King James Ve...
It is time for God to announce the arrival of his only begotten Son. Who shall He choose to proclaim his arrival to first? Kings? Priests? No… He sends a choir of angels to lowly shepherds. Today's Bible verse is Luke 2:10, from the King James Version. Download the app for more Chri...
Underneath the starlit sky, surrounded by hay and animal filth, the Savior of the World and Hope of Heaven is born. The climax of creation and crescendo of the cosmos takes place in the most humble of contexts. Today's Bible verse is Isaiah 7:14, from the King James Version. Download the a...
As the weary couple arrives in Bethlehem, there is no family or friends willing to help them. Everywhere they turn, they are turned away. They must find shelter quick… Mary is feeling the pangs of labor… Today's Bible verse is 2 Corinthians 8:9, from the King James Version. Download t...
Joseph and Mary are almost to Bethlehem, but a storm has come to knock them off course. They endure a near-death experience to finally arrive where they are meant to be. Today's Bible verse is Philippians 1:6, from the King James Version. Download the app for more Christian content includi...
Joseph and Mary have been robbed of everything. They continue their journey, losing hope and patience with each other. What will bring them back to each other? Today's Bible verse is Psalm 23:6, from the King James Version. Download the app for more Christian content including, Daily Praye...
Joseph and Mary embark on a treacherous journey to Bethlehem. Joseph struggles to keep up his strength, and Mary makes a mistake that may cost them the entire journey. Today's Bible verse is Romans 8:35, from the King James Version. Download the app for more Christian content including, Da...
Caesar’s decree for a nationwide census couldn’t come at a worse time for Mary and Joseph. But perhaps this journey to Bethlehem is exactly what God planned all along. Today's Bible verse is Matthew 16:24, from the King James Version. Download the app for more Christian content including, ...
Mary and Joseph are wed before God, forcing them to endure ridicule, gossip, and shame from their community. Will this break their marriage before it has even begun? Today's Bible verse is Ephesians 5:32, from the King James Version. Download the app for more Christian content including, D...
Joseph reels in hurt, anger, and confusion. He has every right to have Mary stoned to death, but won’t out of love. In his despair, God meets him, and calls him to something great. Today's Bible verse is Isaiah 9:7, from the King James Version. Download the app for more Christian content i...
In this episode, we meet Joseph, the strong, silently noble, carpenter from Nazareth. His character is put to the test, when his betrothed has some unexpected news to share. Today's Bible verse is James 2:13, from the King James Version. Download the app for more Christian content includin...
Overwhelmed yet full of purpose, Mary sings a song to the Lord. A divinely woven melody of redemption and promise. Today's Bible verse is Luke 1:46-47, from the King James Version. Download the app for more Christian content including, Daily Prayers, Inspirational Testimonies, and Bedtime ...
Mary travels to the hillcountry of Judah to be with her cousin, Elizabeth. There, she seeks comfort from the swirling doubt within her. Today's Bible verse is Galatians 6:2, from the King James Version. Download the app for more Christian content including, Daily Prayers, Inspirational Tes...
God chooses two humble and faithful people to be the bridge that gaps the old and new covenants. Today's Bible verse is Hebrews 4:16, from the King James Version. Download the app for more Christian content including, Daily Prayers, Inspirational Testimonies, and Bedtime Bible Stories. Pra...
In this episode, we meet Mary, the quiet and humble hero of God, chosen to bear God’s chosen redeemer. Today's Bible verse is 2 Corinthians 12:9, from the King James Version. Download the app for more Christian content including, Daily Prayers, Inspirational Testimonies, and Bedtime Bible ...
thousands of years, God followed his people and spoke mightily through heroes, kings, poets, and prophets… But for 400 years, there was silence… What happened in those silent years? Today's Bible verse is Philippians 2:5-7, from the King James Version. Download the app for more Christian ...
Amid defeat, oppression, and captivity, a prophetic chorus of hope was uttered from the darkness. The message to the hurting and broken is this: a hero is coming! Today's Bible verse is Isaiah 9:6, from the King James Version. Download the app for more Christian content including, Daily Pr...
We begin at the very beginning, when mankind walked in unity with God. When that unity was painfully severed, a promise of hope was given. Today's Bible verse is 1 Timothy 1:15, from the King James Version. Download the app for more Christian content including, Daily Prayers, Inspirational...