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Faith Under Pressure: How Wrestling Through Your Doubts Can Lead to Deeper Faith - with Dr. Philip Ryken
Have you ever wrestled with doubts about your faith? If so, then you are in good company. The Bible contains several stories of men and women of faith who also had seasons in which they struggled with doubts. Dr. Philip Ryken is the President of Wheaton College in Wheaton, Illinois. He has a ...
What is Expository Preaching and How Do We Do It Well? - with David Jackman
How is expository Bible teaching different than non-expository teaching? David Jackman is the founder and director of the Cornhill Training Course , which teaches people how to teach the Bible expositorally. He has also served as a pastor and as president of Proclamation Trust , which exists to e...
The First Council of Nicaea: What Actually Happened & Why Does It Matter for Us Today?
When we talk about “the Early Church” many people’s minds immediately go to the first generation of Christianity, recorded in the Book of Acts and addressed in the New Testament. But what happened after that, and why does it matter for Christians living today? Matt Pursley is the Executive Pastor...