How Does Understanding Biblical Genres Affect How We Interpret and Teach Passages in the Bible?
Theology for the PeopleApril 07, 2022x
00:42:5339.27 MB

How Does Understanding Biblical Genres Affect How We Interpret and Teach Passages in the Bible?

In this episode, I speak with Kristie Anyabwile, who recently wrote a book called, Literarily: How Understanding Bible Genres Transforms Bible Study

We discuss the difference between interpreting the Bible "literally" and interpreting it "literarily," i.e. according to the genre of a given passage. Kristie describes the 8 major literary genres found in the Bible, and their unique aspects. We give a few examples of how not taking genre into account can lead to misinterpretation and misapplication of particular texts.

Kristie is married to Pastor Thabiti Anyabwile and they serve at Anacostia River Church in Washington D.C. For more about Kristie, visit her website:

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