505. Ventures of Faith: Navigating the Unknown with God
Lead To Serve, A Leadership PodcastApril 02, 2024x
00:32:4845.05 MB

505. Ventures of Faith: Navigating the Unknown with God

In this episode of the Lead to Serve podcast, Pastor Ed Taylor and Pastor Bob Claycamp explore the theme of walking by faith. Their discussion surrounds the necessity of trusting in God's guidance and the difficulties that arise when trying to control outcomes instead of relying the Lord through faith. Sharing personal stories and biblical insights, they stress the importance of obedience to God's word and taking ventures of faith, even in the face of uncertainty. The conversation highlights the transformative power of faith in both personal growth and spiritual leadership, encouraging listeners to embrace daily acts of faith and trust in God's plan.

Key Words: faith, walking by faith, trust, faith, trust in God's guidance, living by faith, servant leadership, stepping out in faith, Calvary Church, Aurora, Colorado, Lead to Serve podcast, personal experiences, ministry, decision-making, feedback, obedience, biblical passages, Hebrews 11, vulnerability, dependence, transformative power of faith, character, relationship with God, discipleship, spiritual leadership, ventures of faith, Chuck Smith, mission trip, God's provision, daily practice, uncertainty.