219. A Biblical Response to Racial Divisions and Tensions
Lead To Serve, A Leadership PodcastJune 12, 2020x
00:21:0719.33 MB

219. A Biblical Response to Racial Divisions and Tensions

As I anticipated coming together again as a church family in person after 3 months of quarantine, I really thought that most of my ministry would be to speak to how the COVID-19 crisis affected us, individually  and culturally in many negative ways. I planned on getting our eyes firmly fixed and re-fixedated on Jesus. However within a few days, the horrific death of George Floyd sparked a cultural uprising. What started with somewhat peaceful protests, ended up with extremely sinful riots and seemingly everything in between. Racism is a sin. God led me to share these important truths with our Church family and now we share them with you. If racism is a sin, and it is, then the answer is the cross of Jesus Christ. Justice and mercy flow from the cross. The answer is the gospel in action through your life and mine. ed