191. An episode about Deconstruction of the Christian Faith.
Making Disciples with Cris RogersNovember 19, 2023
34:2663.05 MB

191. An episode about Deconstruction of the Christian Faith.

191. An episode about Deconstruction of the Christian Faith.


There has been a lot, especially in young adults, talking about deconstructing the Christian faith. Sadly many have deconstructed to the point of having nothing but rubble left. In this episode we talk about what is healthy deconstruction and what might we need to do to make sure those who are deconstructing are doing it in a healthy way.

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Rev Cris Rogers is a church leader at allhallowsbow.org.uk and Director of Making Disciples. Chair of the Spring Harvest Planning Group. For more information check out wearemakingdisciples.com #Heart #Hands #Heart